Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fun Times!!

We celebrated Mom's birthday at Lillo's! We had great food and a great time!! When we celebrate Dad's birthday in June we will have another baby girl at the table! Clay and Brandi are having a girl!

Hard Working Girl!
She even stops and scrubs extra "hard to get" spots on the floor! It is hysterical!!
Poor Thing! She feels like her Mama...... you just throw your hands up sometimes because it never seems to end!!LOL


Carey said...

Congrats to Brandi & Clay!!!
AM is getting so big! What is it with these girls and cleaning. E takes hand towels and wipes everything in sight!
We're raising them right :)

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

Aww...she is so cute! They grow up so fast! = )