Wednesday, April 2, 2008


OK, Angela tagged me and I forgot to do it last time , so here goes.....

I have been tagged with a “who are you?” game. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people, posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged.

What was I doing 10 years ago? Well, I was in my Senior year of high school without a care in the world!! Gas was only .88 cents/gallon and we tried to drain the gas pumps just "riding around"!!

Five things on my to-do list today:

1. judged the Science Fair at school
2. need to make out certificates for winners of Science Fair
3. Do laundry!!
4. sleep
5. sleep =)

Five snacks I enjoy:

1. Cheddar Jack Cheez-Its
2. saltine crackers with peanut butter
3. oranges
4. celery sticks with cheez whiz
5. gummi bears

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:

1. Give!!Give!!Give!!
2. Pay off my debts and any family's debts
3. Invest
4. Purchase land in a pretty spot
5. travel alot!

Five bad habits:

1. Picking at my nails
2. Letting the laundry pile up
3. internet shopping
4. eating junk food
5. wasting food ( you know, you thaw chicken out only to go out that night, and the next, and the next before you know it that chicken is bad)I stole this one from Angela because we do the same thing all the time!

Five places I have lived:
1. Eudora, Arkansas
2. Monroe, Louisiana
3. Bastrop, Louisiana
4. South Lakeshore Drive Lake Village, Arkansas
5. North Lakeshore Drive Lake Village, Arkansas

Five jobs i've had:

1. The Eudora Bank (summer)
2. Babysitter ( summer)
3. Campus Job ( The BEST!!)
4. Second Grade Teacher
5. 4th-6th Grade Science and Social Studies Teacher

I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG)

Anyone who reads this! I know this is not helping pass the game along, but oh well!


The Fab Five said...

YAY! You did it! I'm still getting over the fact that gas was only .88 a gallon 10 years ago

The Fab Five said...

Thank you ! and how come I'm the only one leaving you comments? ha
we had a great time. Torrey really likes the Arkansas guys. We should hang out more often. oh and I would be happy to help with the nursery!